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    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,when an unknown printer...


  • I always coming back here when i was in a bad situation, this blog is kind of my escaping place, and i dont mind about it.

    So here we go..

    Lately i've been feeling kinda lost or empty or something in the middle i cant even know how to explain it into a words, its just constantly coming in any situation and its bothering me now. I sorta feel worthless also fail in life. Ive been crying constantly every week at night, you can say my mind is killing me and i don't know how to handle it, i used to do a breath exercise every time ive been in this situation but now it doesn't work. Meh, i probably sound overdramatic about it, probably because i wasn't strong enough.

    Its like my life strating to get crumbling again, and oh my I can't afford that...

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