Dear my future me

Halo abrar, its me ur past, i dont know what am i doing right now, its 3 am and its been a great in the past week, ive been sleeping at night and wake up in the morning, everything is going great and placed not really perfectly at their times but well placed heheh, i know its not easy to change the habit that u have, but i know we can move slowly to change that, take ur time, set ur mind, be grateful at every moment. As right now im doing this again, im not sleeping at night, probably because i don't take my morning coffee or i overslept in the morning so i don't do much today and yeah i end up here again but u know what i don't have to feel guilty, but also i have a lot to do in the morning since i don't do much yesterday, i know its confusing, because at this very time i can get a overthinking process and we know how it end so badly, lmao i just wanted or wish we can control that, its fine to have an overthink thought but what we have to figured it out is how we control our emotions at the end, i hope my future me can figure that out.
Halo abrar, its me ur past, i dont know what am i doing right now, its 3 am and its been a great in the past week, ive been sleeping at night and wake up in the morning, everything is going great and placed not really perfectly at their times but well placed heheh, i know its not easy to change the habit that u have, but i know we can move slowly to change that, take ur time, set ur mind, be grateful at every moment. As right now im doing this again, im not sleeping at night, probably because i don't take my morning coffee or i overslept in the morning so i don't do much today and yeah i end up here again but u know what i don't have to feel guilty, but also i have a lot to do in the morning since i don't do much yesterday, i know its confusing, because at this very time i can get a overthinking process and we know how it end so badly, lmao i just wanted or wish we can control that, its fine to have an overthink thought but what we have to figured it out is how we control our emotions at the end, i hope my future me can figure that out.
Im writing this letter to you bacause i end up reading chapter 3 of Note to Self by Connor Franta about how he wrote his futureself to his pastself, and then I thought, i probably could do the same be I reverse it. So yeah, despite what im doing tonight, yesterday was fun, ive been enjoying myself working with no pressure cause im finished it the day before the deadline so thats what you need to keep on doing, because u are a mess when everything is going on the edge. And also u need to keep the balance between the reality and ur god, just keep that in mind, find the balance, note that down!
I also want u to stay focus on what u put on yourlist and please write down ur list because u will forgot every single thing on that mind. U don't have to rush everything, this is not a race, keep ur body in control. I almost lost our wallet because of that, noted that!
Keep making a crappy content because that will improve you. Find more idea, don't stay on that zone, eat properly plase, take care of our body, dont waste ur money on things that we didn't need, and i want to see ur room get decorated next year. If u don't well i dont know hahah but plaseeeeee do that.
Meet someone new. Ask anyone. Dont wait to anyone to ask u out, but right now im not doing that this year, so i want you to do that next year, open up with a person, find someone where u can share all the memes and that funny videos u find on the internet.
Okay probably im about to head up to sleep because it almost 4 am right now, i probably missed so much point here, but right know thats all i need to say to you, well good night future me!
Sincerely, ur past