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    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,when an unknown printer...


  • Another plot twist on my life just happen today..

    Oke, kali ini tentang gebetan yang lama yang banyak gue omongin di blog ini, oke jadi ceritanya tadi itu... hmmm, wait, this is kinda embarassing but.... oke i'd rather not telling this. Yang intinya tadi dia ngelakuin sesuatu hal yang membuat gue kzl. Kezel. KZL BGT!

    And now i'm officially galau, tapi dari kejadian tersebut gue akhirnya sadar akan banyak hal. Banyak hal yang gue lakuin yang sebenarnya sangat bodoh seperti ngecek social media dia.... tiap hari. Iya tiap hari. EW! NERD! PSYCHO! Yeah I know. But seriously I need to stop this, I need to stop expecting something too highly. It's not healthy anyway. Cause none of them is real. No. Nein. Nej. Nie. Non. Nu. Nee. NO!. May be relationship just don't work on me.

    But thanks at least cause you've change me to better person, actually I've tried to change in this whole year secretly, so if that times come you can deserve a better person, but may be it deserve to someone else. Thank you for giving me the best feeling eveytime I think about you. Thank you so much for lesson that you just teach me undirectly. It's not wasting time if you learn something on it. Right ?

    People change, things go wrong, shit happens, but life goes on.
    Hola, long time no blogging. Are you miss me yet ? No, I guess.

    Gue balik lagi, pengen cerita lagi, tentang gebetan baru yang ketemunya cuma hari jum'at. Kenapa hari jum'at ? karna gue suka ke tempat ini tiap jum'at ga tiap jum'at juga sih, cuma sering dan sering ketemu juga. Jum'at kemarin sempat ketemu dia tapi cuma sebentar karna gue datangnya agak siangan, dan mungkin jum'at ini ga sempet kesana.

    My first reaction be like. ↑

    This person have a perfect mixture that I looking for in my whole life. Warm smile, perfect shape, nice hair and comfort skin, i mean i'm not touch it yet, but diliat aja udah berasa. Apeeuuh coba. But this is true. I feel it. Creepy right ? And the best of all, the way you look at me it's like i'm in my own home. Okay this is too far. Hahah.

    Gue ga terlalu berharap juga sih buat dapatin dia, secara dia masterpiece dan aku mah apaah atuh. But if you want me too, please welcome, be my guest. I wish we can know about each other. I'm just happy to meet you.

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